Sanilac SEPAC
(Sanilac Special Education Parent Advisory Committee)
Our mission, as engaged parents of students with special needs, is to support and encourage effective, empowered and efficient partnerships between families and school.
- The Sanilac Special Education Parent Advisory Committee will:
- Represent and reflect the interests of persons with disabilities as a whole.
- Serve as a link between parents and students represented by the SEPAC to the LEAs, SISD, Local Boards of Education.
- Be accessible and supportive to parents of special education students in becoming active in their child’s education.
- Act as a local resource for parents of students with disabilities.
- Promote community awareness. Sponsor informative workshops and training.
- Work cooperatively with the ISD to become effective, empowered and functional.
- Recruit and orientate new members.
- Membership shall consist only of parents, legal guardians, or surrogates of identified students in special education programs past or present.
- The composition of the committee shall strive to assure that all types of impairment and all identifiable organizations of parents of persons with disabilities are represented on the SEPAC.
- A minimum of one (1) and up to three (3) parents from each LEA shall be nominated by each Local Board of Education, to be appointed by the SISD Board of Education.
- 2023-2024 Meeting Dates
- November 2, 2023, 4:00 p.m., Sanilac ISD, 46 N. Jackson Street, Sandusky
- January 11, 2024, 4:00 p.m., Zoom
- March 14, 2024, 4:00 p.m., Sanilac ISD, 46 N. Jackson Street, Sandusky
- May 20, 2024, STRIPES Awards 5:30 p.m., Sanilac Career Center, 175 E. Aitken Rd., Peck